Shimano Centerlock Lockring innen/außenverzahnt
Photos: Shimano Centerlock Lockring innen/außenverzahnt
Item description: Shimano Centerlock Lockring innen/außenverzahnt
New, ovp. 1 piece.
The sale is without any warranty or guarantee. I place all goods to the best of my knowledge and belief, nevertheless the principle "bought as seen" applies. I exclude any liability for material defects.
The shipment will normally be made within 5 working days after receipt of money, otherwise you will be informed in time.
Shipping outside Germany will only be done as an insured package.
As payment bank transfer and Paypal friends are accepted. Who pays with buyer protection, also takes over the costs for it!!!
By submitting a purchase offer, the buyer accepts these conditions.
The sale is without any warranty or guarantee. I place all goods to the best of my knowledge and belief, nevertheless the principle "bought as seen" applies. I exclude any liability for material defects.
The shipment will normally be made within 5 working days after receipt of money, otherwise you will be informed in time.
Shipping outside Germany will only be done as an insured package.
As payment bank transfer and Paypal friends are accepted. Who pays with buyer protection, also takes over the costs for it!!!
By submitting a purchase offer, the buyer accepts these conditions.
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Buy Shimano Centerlock Lockring innen/außenverzahnt
Verkäufer Lord_Downhill
basierend auf 392 Bewertungen.
Details & Specifications : Shimano Centerlock Lockring innen/außenverzahnt
Quantity | 1 |
Brand | Shimano |
Condition | neu |
Shipping Costs | €1 |
Country |
Deutschland |
Pickup | no |
Weight | 21g |
Color | schwarz |
Disc Mount (Front) | CenterLock |
Disc Mount (Rear) | CenterLock |
Material | Stahl |
Views | 718 × |
Current viewers | 2 |
Published | Apr 6, 2022 8:41 PM |
Expires | Mar 16, 2026 2:28 PM |